This might not be a good start to the July Ultimate Blog Challenge! Am I doomed before I even start? I spent ages writing a blog post to prepare the few faithful followers of my blogs for what was about to happen. I announced that I was embarking on the challenge, explained how it had come about, and launched into a lengthy dialogue about the website for my blog. And just for good measure, I posted the blog on my website yesterday, which was the 30th June, in my neck of the universal woods. The topic for Day One is out now, and I’m doomed.

Let me go back a step. One of the major rules of the Blog Challenge is that you have to post a new blog ‘on the day’, not submit a link to something you posted earlier.

Why is this such a major catastrophe? I have been waiting anxiously all day, the first day of July here in Australia, for the Blog Challenge to begin. Because of the time difference between Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the Challenge only officially started a few hours ago.

Can you guess what the challenge for today is?

Tell your readers about the July Ultimate Blog Challenge and why you are doing it!

I’ve already done that! I posted it yesterday! That means I can’t post it again as the first blog of the challenge.

Disaster! Chaos! Heck!!!

Wait a minute. This is a challenge, right? And a challenge isn’t meant to be easy. Hmmm; that puts it into perspective.

I can do this. I have already told everyone about the Challenge, so now all I have to do is post these humble thoughts about how challenging the challenge is. Simple!

Okay, I’ve got this. This is my post for Day One of the July Ultimate Blog Challenge.

Oh, and another rule is that I can’t do the automatic post to my Facebook page, like I usually do, so you’ll need to check back on my page each day to find the post. Or, you could subscribe to my posts on the form below, then you will get an email to tell you when I’ve posted a new challenge. Either way will work.


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Chef William · 16/07/2018 at 2:47 AM

That is pretty cool but I always take the subject of the day to be a suggestion and not cemented in concrete. Perhaps I am wrong,but I have never been called on it in all the years we have been doing this. I am a chef, writing about food and the ketogenic diet or lifestyle and thus my readers are expecting to find content along those lines. I think that the real comment here is that you actually post new content to share all 31 days of the month. That’s what I am going for anyway. Good luck on your journey.

    Maureen · 16/07/2018 at 10:20 AM

    Thank you for your great comments, William. I love the challenge of writing to the topic, but I have a few drafts that I can fall back on if I need to, and I might need to do that today. As much as I love the opportunity to be a bit creative with a new topic, it definitely is a lot harder to do. I am so lucky to be in the company of great bloggers, like you, who are willing to share tips and comments. Thank you, for both.

Kate Benzin · 02/07/2018 at 7:03 PM

Well, Maureen, I got the instructions for the first day of the challenge after I’d already posted on 1 July. So I didn’t follow the guidelines. And the email about what day 2 should be came after I’d already published my 2 July post. I don’t live in Australia like you. Instead, I live in Indonesia. So I have a huge time differential as well. Anyhow, I’m just going to keep posting and hope it all makes sense in the end.

    Maureen · 02/07/2018 at 7:39 PM

    Ah, I know the feeling well, Kate. I may have to start my day a little earlier for the cold month of July rather than burning the midnight oil. I think, as long as we are writing, we’ll be okay. And as soon as I finish cooking and eating dinner, I’ll get started on Day 2.
    Thanks for reading my Day 1 contribution.

Stella Scott · 02/07/2018 at 5:26 PM

Thanks for adjusting the comment section and making it easy. One challenge out of the way! ????

    Maureen · 02/07/2018 at 6:28 PM

    Glad it worked. I am learning so much from this challenge – especially in terms of what does, and doesn’t work on my website. It’s all good!

April · 02/07/2018 at 1:54 PM

My advice is to just keep going. One thing I’ve found through the Blog Challenge is that it’s incredibly flexible. If your Niche doesn’t allow you to use the days topic or idea, you are able to post what you want. It’s more about creating the habit and challenging you to post for 30 days straight and flex those writing muscles.

    Maureen · 02/07/2018 at 6:23 PM

    Thanks, April. I have a few drafts ready to post, if I need to. I love the challenge of being able to write to a given topic and seeing how creative I can be. It’s kind of like Table Topics at Toastmasters, where you are given your topic as you approach the stage, and have to speak for a few minutes. My motto used to be: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Ramona Mead · 02/07/2018 at 12:41 AM

I love your honesty! So often we try to write to make everything look clean and polished, when internally we’re freaking out. And kudos for embracing the challenge of the challenge. I’m a bit nervous myself about all the rules. I can’t wait to see the rest of your posts!

    Maureen · 02/07/2018 at 1:07 PM

    Thank you Ramona. I tend to just start writing and see what happens. And that’s what happened last night. Because of the time difference I get the challenge late in the day. That works well because I can get the daily life-challenges out of the way, before settling down to face the Blog Challenge. I am looking forward to learning a lot from other people’s blogs. The whole website thing is still a big challenge for me – I haven’t quite tweaked the Comments section yet, but I’m working on it.

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