According to Hugh, Australians are Coffee Snobs!

If Hugh Jackman says Australians are coffee snobs and had the cappuccino before America – then that’s it – we did! After all, who wouldn’t believe Hugh? He’s one of my favourite Australian actors!

Australians are coffee snobs. An influx of Italian immigrants after World War II ensured that – we probably had the word ‘cappuccino’ about 20 years before America. Cafe culture is really big for Aussies. We like to work hard, but we take our leisure time seriously.

Hugh Jackman

I have to admit, I have never thought of Australians as coffee snobs. I thought America had that game all sown up. But apparently not.

My journey with the cappuccino didn’t start in earnest until I was in my fifties – well – let’s just say I was well and truly an adult. Sure, I drank coffee before then – but only if you call that tinned instant stuff, coffee.

The transformative journey towards coffee-snobbery started for me when I lived within walking distance of Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast of Australia.

Weekends were for relaxing. And Saturdays always started with a coffee at a local coffee-shop (Cafe).

Shopping, chores, and preparation for next week’s school didn’t start until after the ritual of slowly sipping a long, hot cappuccino. Time stood still until the coffee-ritual was done.

Weekdays – it was back to the instant powder from the tin. Oh, how I longed for Saturday mornings!

Big Changes Were Imminent

It all happened so fast I’m not even sure where to start telling the story. But the short version is, we packed up and moved to North America for two years. I remember sitting on the beach one morning while preparations were in progress, wondering if I was doing the right thing.

That little bit of self-doubt lasted about a minute. From then on, it was full-steam ahead with planning and packing. There wasn’t much time for any more thoughts of should I or shouldn’t I.

As we left on the big jet-plane from Sydney, I thought I would actually burst with excitement. Not so for Bill. Bill was Canadian/American. For him, it meant going home. Going back to a past-life. Memories tugged at his feelings of excitement – but he handled it well.

Destination Vancouver

A hotel was our home for the first few weeks. And coffee became the start of every day.

Tim Hortons was a short walk away. And this Aussie learned the language of Canadian coffee in a big hurry. I walked up to the counter the first day and ordered a cappuccino for me, and a flat white for Bill.

Hmm, it seems there was something wrong with ordering the flat-white. When Bill heard the commotion, he came to the rescue. I was still in shock that they didn’t understand the order so I can’t tell you what Bill said to resolve the crisis, but it worked.

Apparently a flat-white is a coffee order unique to the Land Down Under or it’s neighbour across the ditch (New Zealand). But I don’t think that’s enough to make us coffee snobs.

From then on, it was Bill’s job to order the coffee while I sat and waited.

A few weeks later we moved into an apartment on Robson Street and a whole new world opened up for me.

Bill’s American roots resurfaced.

I discovered there was a Starbucks on almost every corner! In fact, there were two diagonally opposite each other (does that mean Kitty Corner?).

The sign at the very first Starbucks – in Seattle…
Yep – I lined up and bought a coffee at the original Starbucks…

Every day started with a coffee at our nearest Starbucks – right across the street on Robson and Jervis.

I had landed in coffee Heaven.

I know, there are some who would say coffee and Starbucks are not synonymous. But I’m not one of them. I happen to love Starbucks (but that’s another blog for another time).

Once you’ve ventured onto the path of white chocolate mochas with no whipped-cream, there’s no going back.

And Bill progressed to Soy Latte’s.

The fantastic Barista’s at our Starbucks even taught me how to order my favourite cup-of-joe. I took up the challenge of being the one to bravely order the coffee now that it was a lot easier. A ‘Grande no-whip white chocolate Mocha’ for me, and a ‘tall soy latte’ for Bill.

When we left Vancouver and moved over the border to San Francisco, our nearest Starbucks was a couple of blocks away – but it wasn’t too far to walk each morning. The day had to start right, right?

A year later we moved back to my homeland and back to the Gold Coast, and for me, back to teaching. The first year is still a bit of a blur.

Bill spent most of that year in hospital. And my weekend coffees consisted of whatever I could get before rushing off to visit him, or the dreaded hospital-canteen coffee. Sometimes you just have to make do.

All too soon I was on my own.

Weekend coffees resumed at my nearest Starbucks, a block away from where I lived. The first year was the hardest. Ordering just one coffee – and staring at the empty chair opposite – but I survived.

On weekdays I would look at that jar of instant coffee and say – Yeah? – Nah! I just couldn’t do it. I’d call into a drive-thru on my way to work. The coffee wasn’t good, but it was a whole lot better than the granules from within that jar.

When I ran out of Starbucks by moving to a town in Central Queensland (CQ), something had to give. The nearest coffee-shop (cafe) that even remotely resembled a Starbucks was a two-hour drive away. And then two-hours back. It was a long way but I often did it, just to sit in that cafe and soak up the atmosphere.

But the weekdays were the problem. So I invested in a coffee-machine. Not the Pod variety. I mean, a real one! I bought a Rocket Giotto, and a coffee grinder.

Every time I went back to the coast I would go to my old Starbucks and buy lots of beans to take back to CQ. Then I would make my coffee each morning – put it in a travel mug – and enjoy the taste of real coffee as I drove to school.

What makes us coffee snobs?

There is a local cafe near where I live now that makes the best cappuccinos, using beans that are roasted a few hours from here. Since the very first cup, I was converted.

Luckily I can order the beans online or buy them from the cafe, so there is always a supply on hand (well – at least in the freezer).

The only trouble is, I will now only drink cappuccinos made from Dancing Bean beans. If I meet friends at any other cafe, I just can’t bring myself to order a coffee.

I know what tastes best – and there is no substitute.

Oh, that is, unless I happen to be near a Starbucks. There’s still something about the atmosphere in a Starbucks that I just can’t resist.

I just wish there was a Starbucks close to where I live now. I’d make it a weekend thing – but I’d do it. Perhaps it is because I still can’t sit at a Starbucks without thinking of Bill…and the fond memories of our Vancouver and San Francisco coffee routines.

And his major role in my journey to becoming a coffee-snob.

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6 responses to “According to Hugh, Australians are Coffee Snobs!”

  1. Chef William Avatar
    Chef William

    What a great look at coffee. I am also somewhat of a Starbucks junkie but alas my wife does not drink coffee so she doesn’t get it when I get excited about enjoying a cafe Americano at Starbucks. Now that we have moved to live in Puerto Vallarta, Mx we are about 20 miles from the nearest Starbucks so it is only a once-in-awhile treat for me. The rest of the time I brew my coffee at home after grinding fresh beans daily. I even have a few coffee plants but they only product enough beans for a couple of pots of coffee. Cafe Americano is a double or triple expresso topped with Hot water, although I admit that when it is 90 degrees here in Mexico I get the Americano over ice. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. Maureen Avatar

      Wow, William, you’ve just opened up a whole new world for me. I’m not much good with plants, but I could get my green-thumbed neighbours to grow the coffee plants for me. Then I could have coffee beans fresh from the garden whenever I want.
      When it’s too hot for cappuccino, I love an Affogato. A shot (or two!) of espresso over a couple of scoops of Gelato or ice-cream. It is decadent but Divine!
      And yes, there is something about sitting at a Starbucks that I love. And it’s probably a good thing that we don’t have one nearby or I would sit there all day. Writing – of course… 🙂

  2. Frances Cahill Avatar
    Frances Cahill

    Maureen I declare my coffee snobbery openly now. No shame here! If you want me to have instant coffee – tea thanks!
    I have my favourite places for the right taste blend etc.
    Here’s to you and Bill and the memories you built.
    Large skinny cap for me please.

    1. Maureen Avatar

      Oh, a fellow coffee-snob! That’s awesome, Frances! My standard is a milkshake if I can’t get my favourite brew. Oh, and if I go to my local cafe and it’s too hot for a cappuccino, I order a chocolate milkshake with a double-shot of espresso. They were thinking of naming it after me, if it ever caught on with other locals, but I guess it’s my quirky thing only.
      Thank you for your thoughts of solidarity!

  3. jenniferlancaster Avatar

    Great article Maureen. Husband tells me that Italians frown on milk in coffee (only have in the morning); they prefer espresso, strong. Google tells me cappuccino was first made in Vienna and then Italy in the early 1900s, shortly after the popularization of the espresso machine in 1901. I am not a Starbucks fan but I can still relate to that emotional attachment you have.

    1. Maureen Avatar

      Thanks, Jennifer. I had a typical Italian coffee in Rome once – and I like a strong coffee, but… I could just about stand the spoon up in it. And I think I was hearing the colours of the city for the rest of day.
      Coffee plays a large part in the social lifestyle of Americans – and I Love that Bill introduced me to that part of his culture. 🙂