Tag: teaching

  • Every Kid Needs a Champion

    I was a teacher for a very long time. But by the time I saw the TED Talk by Rita Pierson explaining why every kid needs a champion, I think I had it all figured out. Before I flew solo in a classroom of my own, I watched an older teacher approach a difficult situation…

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  • The Dawn of a New Tomorrow

    The Dawn of a New Tomorrow

    The bell signals the end of learning for another day. Students make a rush for the door, and the temptation to join them is overwhelming. You sit down at your desk and dream of the dawn of a new tomorrow. A tomorrow with no bells; no lesson plans; no marking; and no report-writing. When you…

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  • July UBC – Day Six – Was I Stronger Than I Thought?

    July UBC – Day Six – Was I Stronger Than I Thought?

    You never know how strong you are until something goes wrong. When life throws all it has at you, you can either crumple, or stand up to it. I found out I was stronger than I thought. There was a year in my life when everything came apart – it just slowly unravelled, and by…

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