Tag: Sydney

  • S to V of Doors and Windows

    S to V of Doors and Windows

    Well, here I am at the S to V of doors and windows. I’ve got S, T and even V covered, but U? I haven’t been to Utah, Uluru or Ulladulla, so the U section will either be devoid of photos, or full of creative licence. The purpose behind these stories about doors and windows…

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  • The Dawn of a New Tomorrow

    The Dawn of a New Tomorrow

    The bell signals the end of learning for another day. Students make a rush for the door, and the temptation to join them is overwhelming. You sit down at your desk and dream of the dawn of a new tomorrow. A tomorrow with no bells; no lesson plans; no marking; and no report-writing. When you…

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  • Travelling The World

    Travelling The World

    When I was very young someone made the comment that I would travel because I had a gap between my two top teeth. Back then, living out of town on almost 20 acres of land, with electricity the only modern convenience we had, I thought the 35-mile journey into Sydney was the ultimate travel experience.…

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