Tag: Singapore

  • The Dawn of a New Tomorrow

    The Dawn of a New Tomorrow

    The bell signals the end of learning for another day. Students make a rush for the door, and the temptation to join them is overwhelming. You sit down at your desk and dream of the dawn of a new tomorrow. A tomorrow with no bells; no lesson plans; no marking; and no report-writing. When you…

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  • Singapore Stopover

    Singapore Stopover

    Day 2 Arrival in Singapore was as would be expected, with eleven tired bodies making their way from the aircraft to the terminal via the air bridge. Those amongst them who are driven by the need to know where they need to be in advance of getting there, stopped at the first available monitor to…

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  • Brisbane to Delhi

    Brisbane to Delhi

    Travel Day 1 6 am – Wide Awake and ready to start the day and the journey. Coffee, shower, pack the bathroom items, load the car and ready to go. Way too early to be at the airport, but plenty of time for a leisurely stroll around DFO, Brisbane Airport style. Another coffee, light lunch,…

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