Tag: Country town

  • Day Nine – UBC – Inspiration

    Day Nine – UBC – Inspiration

    People move in and out of our lives. Some stay a long time, others drift in, and stay just long enough to get to know us, before drifting out again. But it is the people who inspire us, regardless of how long they stay, that make the biggest impact. It doesn’t matter how you define…

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  • July UBC – Day Six – Was I Stronger Than I Thought?

    July UBC – Day Six – Was I Stronger Than I Thought?

    You never know how strong you are until something goes wrong. When life throws all it has at you, you can either crumple, or stand up to it. I found out I was stronger than I thought. There was a year in my life when everything came apart – it just slowly unravelled, and by…

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