Category: Teaching

  • The Principal’s Office

    I don’t remember what day it was when I sat outside the Principal’s office. The door was closed so I still had time to decide if I would run, or stay. The choices were simple enough. But what was behind each choice, made it hard to decide. To run was to give up – but…

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  • Every Kid Needs a Champion

    I was a teacher for a very long time. But by the time I saw the TED Talk by Rita Pierson explaining why every kid needs a champion, I think I had it all figured out. Before I flew solo in a classroom of my own, I watched an older teacher approach a difficult situation…

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  • Where Have All The Teachers Gone?

    A friend posted an interesting Article on Facebook today about the drain of experienced teachers in Australia. So, where have all the teachers gone? They Have Retired! Or at the very least, they’re thinking about it. Years of experience and skills walk out of the classroom every day, leaving a void that is hard to…

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  • Day 19 – UBC – Oops! Will the Delete Key Fix That?

    What is the best invention in the world? It has to be the Delete Key! How many times has that little button saved us from a potentially catastrophic consequence? It’s a wonder mine still works; I’m sure it is the most used key on my keyboard. But what about those other mistakes? You know, the…

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