Category: Travel

  • Day 13 – Number Thirteen – Lucky or Not?

    Of all the numbers that make up our world, number thirteen probably has the worst reputation of them all. Whether you are superstitious or not, you more than likely avoid walking under ladders, or crossing paths with a black cat on any Friday that has the number thirteen (13) attached to it. I know I…

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  • July UBC – Day Six – Was I Stronger Than I Thought?

    July UBC – Day Six – Was I Stronger Than I Thought?

    You never know how strong you are until something goes wrong. When life throws all it has at you, you can either crumple, or stand up to it. I found out I was stronger than I thought. There was a year in my life when everything came apart – it just slowly unravelled, and by…

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  • July Ultimate Blog Challenge – Day Four

    July Ultimate Blog Challenge – Day Four

    As America celebrates its National Day of Independence, we reflect on what independence means for us. With independence comes freedom from oppression, freedom of speech and freedom of choice. Day Four of the Blog Challenge celebrates July 4th; America’s Day of Independence. God Bless the United States of America and keep safe all who live…

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  • Brisbane River Lights

    Brisbane River Lights

    When you find yourself in Brisbane at night, go to where the light shines brightest – on the Brisbane River. The lights from the buildings on each side are reflected on the water, providing a palette of shimmering colours. The Brisbane River lights up the dark night, while providing the best views of the city.…

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  • Is My To-Do List Specific Enough?

    Is My To-Do List Specific Enough?

    Is my To-Do List specific enough? I like to keep agendas broad, just in case something unexpected pops up. But in keeping it broad, am I defeating the purpose of having a To-Do List? After the meeting on Tuesday morning – the one I forgot I had – I agreed to meet with a few…

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  • The Funny Things Kids Say

    The Funny Things Kids Say

    Having been a teacher for more years than I care to mention, I could write a book on the funny things kids say and do. In fact, one day I just might do that. But for now, I’ll keep it short. You’ll be able to read the unabridged version when I write the book –…

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