Year: 2018

  • S to V of Doors and Windows

    S to V of Doors and Windows

    Well, here I am at the S to V of doors and windows. I’ve got S, T and even V covered, but U? I haven’t been to Utah, Uluru or Ulladulla, so the U section will either be devoid of photos, or full of creative licence. The purpose behind these stories about doors and windows…

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  • Where Were You on Christmas Eve?

    Specifically, where were you on Christmas Eve 2017? For some of us, today is Christmas Eve – well, for those of us in the Southern Hemishpere anyway. For you folk north of the big divide – hang in there, it’s coming. When something spectacular happens on a particular day, it’s usually easier to remember than…

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  • The L to R of Windows and Doors

    Linton Sorting photos from A-Z makes sense, and now that A to K is done – L to R is next.  The L to R of windows and doors provides a link to the past; to days gone by when my feet weren’t so deeply planted on home soil. Back then I would pack up…

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  • The F-K of Doors and Windows

    The F-K of Doors and Windows

    The F-K of doors and windows is a journey through some of the places I’ve visited here in Australia, and across the world. Some of the photos might need to be viewed with a little more imagination than others – but – most  fall neatly into their assigned category. F Well, this kind of qualifies…

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  • That Didn’t End Well!

    October – here one minute and gone the next. I can remember sitting here at my keyboard on the first day of October, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Now I’m sitting here on the last day of October wondering what the heck happened? Where did October go? And all I…

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  • There’s A Fly On the Wall!

    Yesterday, a fly sneaked in behind me as I closed the screen door. It buzzed around for a while, viewing the goings on around it, and then settled on the wall beside me. As I sat there watching that fly on the wall, I wondered what it was thinking? The fly’s line of vision was…

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